Alice in Merseyside
On a recent visit to Liverpool I stayed in this wonderfully sleazy hotel above a bar in the nightclub district. I watched from this window as people stumbled through this back street often in fancy dress. Watching ‘Alice in Wonderland’ hurling bottles at her boyfriend got my imagination racing about a story of people going out on the town, dressed as superheroes and fictional characters and those characters stories coming to life throughout the night in a bit of a weird and very shit way. Maybe a plump Wonder Woman would discover a really lame superpower or Alice might come across other confused revellers dressed as characters from her story.
“Aliceʼs adventure in Merseyside began when she fell through a rabbit hole and found herself in a chicken shop near Lime Street station in the early hours of Sunday morning. Fuelled by a concoction of strong lager and pills supplied by the Mad Hatter in a car park in Toxteth, she now found herself hurling bottles with great accuracy at her boyfriend for some act of unmentionable indecency. As the bottles hurtled towards him he noticed the words ʻEAT ME!ʼ printed on one of them before it shattered on his forearm. Satisfied with her retribution Alice turned back to the main street, as she did she caught a glimpse of a dishevelled white rabbit wiping vomit from his mouth before scuttling off into the darkness..”